Meet Eli
Certified Personal Trainer | Health & Wellness Coach
Mind & Body Specialist | Precision Nutrition, Level 1
My Story
Almost a decade ago, I found myself in an unexpected, dark, and uncomfortable place - physically, mentally, and emotionally. Life had thrown me some really big curveballs and was experiencing deep grief.
The coping strategies I used only made things worse. I had spread myself too thin. I was uncomfortable, miserable, and struggling to feel okay. Life felt like it was passing me by.
Eventually, I decided that enough was enough. I started looking inward for the answers instead of grasping at quick fixes and placing blame on my circumstances.
Only by simultaneously addressing the internal and external was I able to find a truer, healthier, more joyful version of me. ​
I used fitness and nutrition as a vehicle to feel better physically, judgment free curiosity to get clarity within my mind, and freedom to be and experience my emotions.
Taking a new direction
This approach was different from what I was taught! At first it felt really freaking weird! I had a lot of resistance trying to allow myself to simply be, without judgment. Mostly because it was completely opposite of the tough love, obsessive and restrictive methods that I was used to. Instead of gripping tighter, I had to let go.
​The journey from where I was to where I wanted to go couldn't happen with a "grind it out" mentality. It wasn't about trying harder, distracting myself or just "getting over it and back to normal."
It was about pulling the best parts of everything I knew while ditching the things that were detrimental.
I discovered that my life is more than the size of my body and my ability to be productive. The over-achiever and grind it out mentality is not always the best way forward. I was made for more than the figurative box and identity that I was conditioned to fit into. I couldn't take care of others in the way I wanted to, if I didn't take care of myself.
So, I began creating my life through emotional mastery and by changing the rules and stories that controlled me. Once I noticed how much better I felt in my life and how much easier it was to stay consistent with my goals, I knew that this was the way.
It shifted everything for me. The way I showed up, the way I coached and the way I wanted to inspire you! And integrating this mentality and method can shift everything for you too.
I built Metanoia Fitness and Wellness to be a space that vibrates with that intention. I created the Intentionally Well coaching experience to support your goals, make you feel better, and to welcome you back into your own life.
I 'm a coach for women who...
..need a supportive space to unlearn the patterns that have been holding them back, and replace them with more supportive habits and beliefs
...want to ditch the seemingly impossible expectations around diet, exercise, and body size including the conditioned societal beliefs that have been forced on them
...have realized there must be a better way than the all-or-nothing attitude and negative self-talk that has caused them to self-sabotage in the past
​...feel as if life has been passing them by and are ready to step into their own power to become the intentional creator of their life
...might already feel the excitement in their bodies about the possibility of showing up for themselves in new ways that could reveal a lifestyle of health and happiness!
My approach to coaching is different
I wholeheartedly believe that...
shame, guilt and fear-based tactics are the worst ways to create change in your life... so comparison, competition, and judgment have no place in the self-improvement space.
there is always more to the story than a before-and-after pic... which is why you won't see any of those on my website.
your goals and the plan to reach them should complement and enhance your life, not feel forced or make you more miserable.
you are the master and expert in your own life and this your journey, you designate the speed and direction of your change... as such you must be radically responsible for your own health, wellbeing, what goes on between their ears and your life as a whole.
hiring the right coach is the most powerful investment you will ever make.
The Metanoia Method
Because of the deep understanding that our outside world is created by our thoughts, emotions, and patterns; it is clear that the inner work must coincide with the action plan. This is why I use the Metanoia Method within every coaching container and within my own life. These three A's run the show and without them true, sustainable, change cannot occur.
You must know where you're at, what's going on, and where you want to go. You must understand the cues to your patterns, the role your thoughts and emotions play, and how it all coincides with your core needs! ​
You must be aware of what is within your control and what is not. Then, understand where and how you can create change, and why it's so important to you!
You must accept radical responsibility for your thoughts, responses, patterns, and what happens in your life. Your life is a sum of what you do regularly. Only you can become the master of your own emotions, alter your perceptions, and change your behaviors.
You must accept that if you want to create change or see something different, you must shift your mindset and your actions.
You must make and execute a plan that makes sense in your life.
With grace and practice you can develop steps and habits that you are ready, willing, and able to follow through with.
You must act consistently as the type of person who does the things required to meet your goal! Taking action and being a full-participant in your life is the only way!