Goodies for You!
Workshops, masterclasses, email trainings OH MY!
I'm sure you've heard these solutions:
keep certain foods out of the house.
just drink water
distract yourself with something else...
The coaches that urge you to use these methods as the solution THRIVE on your inability to stick with it.
They rely on your yo-yo pattern of high-effort, short-term success and then reverting to the same issue that made you reach out to them in the first place...
They make you believe that if you just could stick to what they told you to do, you'd be successful... so more accountability, more checklists, more white-knuckling your habits... just do it and it'll work.
But Boredom Eating might not really be what you think it is!
And the solution to help you ditch the habit for good isn't what you think it is either.
The distraction method is a bullshit replacement coping mechanism that will eventually fail you
I have a better way.
It'll help you with your boredom eating at night, and even help you ditch some other negative coping strategies you use throughout the day.
There are a million ways to make changes to your body and to your life and just as many ways to structure your goals.
However, in order for you to be successful in achieving the change you crave - it’s imperative that you find the right strategy for YOU. I want to help you find that strategy!
In this MASTERCLASS we will spend time getting intentional about creating a life that FEELS like yours and how to manifest the ENERGY you THRIVE in.
We'll build out some Feel Good Goals! This type of goal setting is intention based. And when we're all done, you’ll be able to show up for yourself in a new way because your thoughts, beliefs, and actions are all supporting each other!
We say we want something... then consciously or subconsciously make decisions and take actions that prevent that thing from happening...because there's so much more to it than most people believe!
Self-sabotage is not a surface level problem with a "just try harder" type of solution.
If you're someone who feels like...
you're unable to make the changes you crave because of self-sabotage
you're always getting in your own way
you might as well not even try because you're just going to fall off the wagon eventually
...this workshop (replay) is for you!
We'll explore the 4 main reasons you feel stuck in this cycle, learn how to notice it in the moment, and then we'll set you up with a powerful process that will help you stay motivated and moving forward.
We are going to change the way you see yourself and your behaviors in self-sabotaging moments allowing you to tap into what's really going on.
You'll walk away with an ability to drop the feelings of frustration and take steps in the direction of your desired change.